As you can see to the side there my poor little blog has been granted official EOJ Site status along with 5 or so others. What this means is I will be getting some news and insight into things so I can share them with you lovely readers.
Speaking of my readers I need to apologize and ask that you bear with me a little longer I know the updates have been fairly slow but, my work decided to try a new schedule that involved me and 10 hours a day 7 days a week which leaves me time enough to curse upper management then eat and go to bed. I promise though that there will be more and more frequently once this marathon session at work is over.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Spire of Juno Eye of Judgment Set 2

As it easy to remember this cards summon, attack, HP, and activation as they are all 8's. Which is pretty hefty no matter which way you look at it. I mean yes it does pack a huge wallop and yes it should stick around for at least a few turns however you will definitely burn your mana pool to bring this thing out. Luckily it does have the Incarnation ability you can use on non-Biolith creatures to lower the cost a little bit. Though doing so means you wont get to smash something for some massive magic damage...did we mention the card has a magic attack. There is however a reason for

So my final judgment on this card is positive with reservations. Think long and hard before playing this one kiddo's since from the looks of a lot of set 2 cards Biolith decks might not be as prevalent as they are right now. So I would not count on it's mana gain ability. Though it would be a nice card to have to go along with other mana gainers. All in all it is a decent card. Just very expensive but, very strong.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Eye of Judgment Set 2 Delayed (And a thanks to the community)
So mixed news on the PlayStation blog today. I will quickly go over the main gist of the blog post. The positive news is the people behind Eye of Judgment seem to be taking a more active role in working with the different EOJ communities. Even going as far as giving a shout out to the best of them. I am flattered to be mentioned since I have not been on top of the updates like I originally planned. That is neither here nor there though.
Now for the bad news. Apparently the US release of the cards is unexpectedly delayed. No effect on Europe and Japan however which is somewhat unfortunate but, nothing to get your panties in a bunch over. Hopefully the delay will be less then a week or so however considering the cards and update was going to drop next week and they announced there was a problem does not bode well.
The last bit of news is that there is a Set 2 video available for download however I will share it here as well because it is just that cool.
Now for the bad news. Apparently the US release of the cards is unexpectedly delayed. No effect on Europe and Japan however which is somewhat unfortunate but, nothing to get your panties in a bunch over. Hopefully the delay will be less then a week or so however considering the cards and update was going to drop next week and they announced there was a problem does not bode well.
The last bit of news is that there is a Set 2 video available for download however I will share it here as well because it is just that cool.
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Fist of Juno Eye of Judgment Set 2

The first card we are gonna touch on is Fist of Juno, here we easily have the strong arm of the non elemental family. Weighing at a beefy 9 HP and dealing 9 damage. It is difficult to tell his attack pattern from the picture though the screen shot of his summon suggest it only covers one square. His stats are impressive, thankfully all of the Sacreds come with a incarnation ability limited to non Biolith creatures. So we are looking at still a stiff cost though not insurmountable. This is definitely not the guy to incarnate to get out of check though remember that. Speaking of his abilities lets take a look at those. As I believe the most powerful compared to the abilities we have seen in Eye of Judgment thus far. Though his ability

Friday, March 14, 2008
Set 2 Eye of Judgment Information Finally a Price!
All kinds of new Eye of Judgment set 2 information on the Playstation blog. Including the revealing of the "s" letter starting cards. Sacreds these are Non Elemental cards that all posses incarnation on any NON Biolith creature. In addition every one has a real nice secondary ability. Especially the Gain 2 mana if the opponent has a Biolith summon the board. Or the no dodging ability. Of course we will be reviewing those cards. Confirmation that there are phantoms in this set as they say there will be more information coming next week. Also there is some kind of promotional card but, they don't give a lot of information on those.
The Biggest news dropped of all however is the price of the expansion in the U.S. $14.99!. That is far less then the before mentioned $30 price tag rumored from before and while Free would have been better that is not a bad price at all. Well don't just take my word for it check it out for yourself.
The Biggest news dropped of all however is the price of the expansion in the U.S. $14.99!. That is far less then the before mentioned $30 price tag rumored from before and while Free would have been better that is not a bad price at all. Well don't just take my word for it check it out for yourself.
Giving Props to the Competition
So even though I probably should not be saying good things about my competing blog sites. I am of the opinion that there is more then enough room for anything giving more information about EOJ and providing service to the community. Like DAN on EOJinfo with his awesome deck build I would have to say his is likely the best especially with the card displays. Or the relaunched Lbshooters and the tournament services it offers are second to none. In fact it is my opinion that these two guys should get together and put their one into one concentrated effort and you would only need to visit ONE forum for deck building an outstanding community and excellent competitive tournaments.
However that was not the purpose of this ramble.
I Love Judgment is another blog out there and it seems to be about the same age as my own but, it seems to be just as active as well. Especially recently. So what does he offer on his site? I am glad you asked since it is a fairly unique service. There is apparently an official Sony Japan EOJ site called EOJ Tsuushin (Which translates as EOJ Connection, we all knew that right) That updates frequently and he translate the more salient points for us poor folk who can't speak Japanese.
However that was not the purpose of this ramble.
I Love Judgment is another blog out there and it seems to be about the same age as my own but, it seems to be just as active as well. Especially recently. So what does he offer on his site? I am glad you asked since it is a fairly unique service. There is apparently an official Sony Japan EOJ site called EOJ Tsuushin (Which translates as EOJ Connection, we all knew that right) That updates frequently and he translate the more salient points for us poor folk who can't speak Japanese.
I Love Judgment,
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Ps3 Firmware 2.17 Update
Not much to add to what is said but, this should be good for those having random EOJ match disconnects. Here is what Jeff had to say on the Ps3 Blog.
"If you’ve signed in to the PLAYSTATION Network tonight on your PS3, you probably noticed that you were prompted to upgrade the system’s firmware to v2.17. In case you were wondering what it’s all about (and a quick Google search indicates that yes, you are) the operating stability of some online PS3 titles has been improved."
Not a big update but, it is a .07 update not even a full .1 so you can't expect much. And while yes it might not be this awesome update anything that adds stability to Online games is a plus in my book.
EDIT: This meant to say 2.17 not 2.7 sorry for the confusion.
"If you’ve signed in to the PLAYSTATION Network tonight on your PS3, you probably noticed that you were prompted to upgrade the system’s firmware to v2.17. In case you were wondering what it’s all about (and a quick Google search indicates that yes, you are) the operating stability of some online PS3 titles has been improved."
Not a big update but, it is a .07 update not even a full .1 so you can't expect much. And while yes it might not be this awesome update anything that adds stability to Online games is a plus in my book.
EDIT: This meant to say 2.17 not 2.7 sorry for the confusion.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Subscribe to EOJ Central Via Email
So a few new updates the Blog, due to popular request I have added the ability to subscribe to the Blog Via Email. So now instead of having to hover constantly over the blog waiting anxiously for a new post. (Oh yes I know you guys just wait all day). You now can be notified whenever there is an update via email. The link is over there to the Right.
Also I have added a RSS feed function to the Website again the link is right under the Email link. So now you have all kinds of new ways to be informed of the updates to EOJ Central. If anyone has problems with either function send me an email or a message in this post so I can address them immediately.
Also I have added a RSS feed function to the Website again the link is right under the Email link. So now you have all kinds of new ways to be informed of the updates to EOJ Central. If anyone has problems with either function send me an email or a message in this post so I can address them immediately.
Get your Friends on EOJ
I am not normally a sales driven guy. Granted I do look for good deals but, if I want something I am gonna figure out a way to save up for it or I just don't get it simple as that. However I know most of you have friends who have said to you "I might play EOJ but, I am not spending 70 bucks for a card game" Well now you have a way to convert them over. Amazon is selling the Eye of Judgment bundle for $45. That is right $5 more then the price of the camera they to can get a copy of Eye of Judgment and join the community. Looks like it has free shipping as well. For those too lazy to find it on their own here is the link.
Eye of Judgment Bundle,
Eye of Judgment Sale
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Aluhja Inquisitrix Eye of Judgment Set 2
Here we go again with the next card review. Aluhja Inquisitrix, of all the cards listed so far she maintain that 5 mana summon cost which seems to be fairly common. However she does have 5base hit points which is nice. Her magic attack is 2 which is cool but, for 3 activation that is not so cool. However lets take a look at her abilities which are where her summon cost really comes from. The first ability basically gives you a complete reason to run three cards of a type since once you summon one you can go through your deck and get all the rest of them out of your deck and put them in your hand. To me that partially negates the need to run any card drawing summons or card in your deck since you can potentially be drawing two cards each time you summon a card.
This also ties into her secondary ability which is really nice, all Church of Parmus cards gain 1 dodge attempt. So lets do a Church of Parmus roll call. Partmole Fire Oracle, Aluhja Priestess, Flame Magus, and Koog. Already I see something cool developing here. With the exception of Koog who you technically want to die anyway. The other three offer huge potential. Granted the Priestess already has a dodge but, this card gives her two attempts and still an attempt even if she gets field quaked. Your Flame Magus that you summoned for one mana now has a dodge and your beefy Fire Oracle also has a dodge. So three magic creatures that all dodge like crazy. Not to mention as I said about her first ability you slap down one priestess and you are now holding both of the others in your hand if you run three.
Final judgment, yes she costs a lot but, she certainly gives good return on the investment. Her activation is a little suspect but, her abilities are top shelf. She is good enough in fact to build a deck around her abilities which very few cards are like that.
This also ties into her secondary ability which is really nice, all Church of Parmus cards gain 1 dodge attempt. So lets do a Church of Parmus roll call. Partmole Fire Oracle, Aluhja Priestess, Flame Magus, and Koog. Already I see something cool developing here. With the exception of Koog who you technically want to die anyway. The other three offer huge potential. Granted the Priestess already has a dodge but, this card gives her two attempts and still an attempt even if she gets field quaked. Your Flame Magus that you summoned for one mana now has a dodge and your beefy Fire Oracle also has a dodge. So three magic creatures that all dodge like crazy. Not to mention as I said about her first ability you slap down one priestess and you are now holding both of the others in your hand if you run three.
Final judgment, yes she costs a lot but, she certainly gives good return on the investment. Her activation is a little suspect but, her abilities are top shelf. She is good enough in fact to build a deck around her abilities which very few cards are like that.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Goblin Fort

Sunday, March 9, 2008
EOJ Central Chatroom
Just a bit of information here we do have an IRC chat server. Now a few of you might be wondering what IRC is and how to use it. Well basically IRC means Internet Relay Chat, and it is just what is sounds like an easy to use chat interface. How do you use it..well that also is fairly simple there are A LOT of programs that can access IRC the most common being Mirc. At that link is also a basic explanation on how to use MIRC. Another option for those who use Firefox is Chatzilla.
The server is GAMESURGE ( ) which is by default on the list of MIRC servers once you join the channel is #EoJCentral
If you use MIRC or Chatzilla or your IRC client supports web linking you can click this link to go directly to the channel EOJCENTRAL
To register on the server (Not 100% required but, recommended) you have two options described in better details HERE
Oh and one last way to join is a web based java client there is no installation required for this option. JAVA LINK
The purpose of the chat room is to provide an easier way to match up with people and also to provide instant help to those that need it. Also it is to bring the community closer together so come by play some trivia or whatever.
The server is GAMESURGE ( ) which is by default on the list of MIRC servers once you join the channel is #EoJCentral
If you use MIRC or Chatzilla or your IRC client supports web linking you can click this link to go directly to the channel EOJCENTRAL
To register on the server (Not 100% required but, recommended) you have two options described in better details HERE
Oh and one last way to join is a web based java client there is no installation required for this option. JAVA LINK
The purpose of the chat room is to provide an easier way to match up with people and also to provide instant help to those that need it. Also it is to bring the community closer together so come by play some trivia or whatever.
Monday, March 3, 2008
General Lug Eye of Judgment Set 2
Alright folks sorry for the time out. The next card to fall under my own eye of judgment would be General Lug. What to say about this card. Well to start at the beginning he has the same attack pattern we have expected to see from the other warlords. As well as the six(6) summon cost. He does have a healthy attack at three(3) but, an awful activation cost of five(5). Also he carries the same ability as the other warlords and that is for fire creatures he lowers the summoning cost and if you run a fire deck that is good. However his ability...I don't know what to say other then perhaps they are going to add more invisibility creatures because at the moment this card is pretty much only good against a ninja deck or to kill those few other cards that are invisible. To me at the moment this is a waste power and knowing my luck this is what I am gonna find in my first booster pack.
Anyway final judgment a below average card. Only it's fire invocation ability keeps it from being worthless. However if there are more invisibility creatures in set two perhaps it will be more worthwhile.
Anyway final judgment a below average card. Only it's fire invocation ability keeps it from being worthless. However if there are more invisibility creatures in set two perhaps it will be more worthwhile.
Eye of Judgment,
Eye of Judgment Set 2,
General Lug,
Set 2
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